Week 7
October 24-25, 2015
This weekend the Northeastern team hosted the Oberg Regatta, while the women's team sailed just down the river at Harvard for the Mrs. Hurst Trophy. The Huskies also sailed at BC this weekend. Earlier in the week, the team sailed at the Midweek Fly regatta at MIT, and finished in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th place out of 18 boats! Click here for the the Midweek Fly scores.
In addition to a successful weekend of sailing and hosting a regatta, the team also hosted its fleet dedication ceremony for its gorgeous new fleet of Turbo FJs. Thank you to everyone who came for this event, and a special thanks to all of our donors, without whom our team would not be in the strong position it is in today.
Sailing at the Oberg this weekend, Scott Goodrich, Taylor Williams, Jackson Hamilton, Jackie Berlin, Johnny Wehner, and Katie Alfond all sailed extremely well, as our team had our best Oberg finish ever. Unfortunately the wind failed to cooperate on Saturday, and no races were completed in the 0-3 knot breeze. Sunday was a much breezier day, and seven races were completed in each of the three divisions. Thanks to everyone on the team who helped out on both days, ensuring the entire regatta ran smoothly!
Tori McGruer, Laura Tschiegg, Sarah de Silva, and Nathalie Garcia sailed at the Mrs. Hurst at Harvard, just down the river from the Oberg. No races were completed on Saturday due to the lack of breeze, while Sunday proved to be much better for racing.
Chris Colbeth, Coleen Ross, Ian Campbell, and Rachel Guard represented the team at the Central 6 regatta at BC on Sunday this weekend, while Maddie Whittier, Eleanor Grams, James Maguire, and Caitlin Cloonan sailed at BC on Sunday. The wind was light on Saturday just as it was throughout Boston. However, the open water venue meant breeze was strong enough to get off four races on Saturday, before a windier Sunday allowed for more racing to take place.
The team sailing at the Oberg Trophy.