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November 3-4, 2012

Northeastern hosted the 2012 NEISA Crew's Regatta out of MIT, with 13 teams sending their normal crews to skipper for a day. We sent Janelle Veary to skipper with crew Becker Awqatty in A division, and Linnea Goldstein and Kristen Kuzil switching off positions in B division. Veary and Awqatty had all 1st and 2nd places, with a score of just 9 points in 6 races, while Goldstein and Kuzil were  8th in B division, giving the Huskies 4th place overall. 


The team showed up in big numbers on the docks and on the race comittee to help run a smooth regatta, along with the help of Tufts coach Ken Legler, who took the photos shown.

Also on the Charles was the NoRinger Regatta at BU, where the competition consisted of skippers who had not had the chance to skipper a regatta this season were racing. In A division, Evan Gregory and Kristen Kuzil had a consistent performance for 2nd , and Max Fye and Linnea Goldstein placed 3rd in B division, giving the Huskies 3rd overall.

Our top team was competing at the Rhode Island State ChampsMaarten Eenkema van Dijk and Taylor Williams sailed A division, with Conor Lodge and Sydney Rey sailing B. After sailing consistently for most of day 1, a few deep races in very light, variable conditions knocked the Huskies from 3rd down to 10th. Although it was a disappointing result, the team shook out some kinks and is optimistic going into the Atlantic Coast Tournament next weekend.

Janelle Veary and Becker Awqatty Northeastern Sailing Charles River College NEISA

Veary and Awqatty are all smiles after another bullet

Weekend 10

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